Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Year...

so hopefully I'll have some new thoughts, ideas, and goals up my sleeve. as you can see, I haven't been around much; I've been doing some thinking during my long hiatus.

I'm ready to jump into the world, a new me, and try to move forward as optimistically and successfully as I can. 2008 was a really intense year for me. Good things happened. Bad things happened. Unthinkably bizarre things happened. The realization that you should be careful what you wish for because the world is so small hit me right between the eyes. But through all this, I really grew, psychologically. I feel like physical growth is nearly impossible since I've been the same for the past seven years. But even so, I've grown and matured.

2009. a year for discipline, hard work, appreciation, and most of all, love. Love for your family, your work, your blessings, and love for the ones you can't live without.

Yours truly,