Friday, January 30, 2009

What We Want.

so what is it in life that we all want? what do we want the most in the world?
is it money? wealth? love? being envied? approval?
none of the above.

we all want what we can't have, whether it's those christian louboutin shoes in the neiman marcus window, or that hot coworker that already has a boyfriend at home waiting for her. why is that. why do people always want things that are out of their reach, in other words, virtually unattainable?

is it because we've spent our whole lives wondering what it would be like to have the things we've never had? is it because we're conditioned to always shoot for the moon no matter what?

all i know is that i've been wanting for too long, even though i myself already know it'll be no good for me. and maybe i want it so bad because i know i'll probably never get it. cigarettes & high heels never seemed so appealing. together.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Skinny Bitch

honestly, i think diets these days are overrated. yeah, i'm pretty thin compared to most people so some people may think i shouldn't even be voicing my opinion, but i do have things to say anyway. i've always believed that good genes combined with high metabolism will allow someone to be thin as opposed to others. i doubt that's the case anymore. so recently, i've come to realize that a good diet consisting of essential nutrients and other necessities and exercise are best.

i was in the university bookstore reading skinny bitch the other day. i absolutely love that book. yeah, the authors are pretty lippy and let out about twenty curse words a page, but the advice and research done are absolutely resourceful. no one wants to be a scrawny bitch, but a skinny bitch. so i guess it's a great read for girls out there who are looking for ways to slim down. the book mostly talks about how smoking, drinking, and doing bad things to our bodies messes us up, and why our bodies are made to be dominantly vegan, which i do agree. our bodies aren't made to digest high meat content, nor are our bodies made to consume a large amount of lactose from milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

so after reading a couple chapters, i had to go to class but i decided that some day, hopefully someday soon, i'll definitely go vegan. i'm almost there; i'm a pescetarian. the hardest parts would probably be giving up seafood and dairy products. i do love my sushi/sashimi/lobster/icecream/cheese/fondue. but if this sacrifice will lead to a healthier tomorrow, why not? there are a lot of alternatives out there, so hopefully i'll lead a much healthier life.

Yours truly,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Year...

so hopefully I'll have some new thoughts, ideas, and goals up my sleeve. as you can see, I haven't been around much; I've been doing some thinking during my long hiatus.

I'm ready to jump into the world, a new me, and try to move forward as optimistically and successfully as I can. 2008 was a really intense year for me. Good things happened. Bad things happened. Unthinkably bizarre things happened. The realization that you should be careful what you wish for because the world is so small hit me right between the eyes. But through all this, I really grew, psychologically. I feel like physical growth is nearly impossible since I've been the same for the past seven years. But even so, I've grown and matured.

2009. a year for discipline, hard work, appreciation, and most of all, love. Love for your family, your work, your blessings, and love for the ones you can't live without.

Yours truly,