Sunday, April 13, 2008

Identity Crisis

Yeah, the title says it all. I'm having a huge identity crisis. I kind of feel obligated to please everyone around me. Not that it's a bad thing, but it does get awfully frustrating. I'm just still unsure of what my purpose is. Sometimes I feel so ambivalent about all the decisions that I'm going to have to eventually make. Don't get me wrong, college is really liberating, but there are times that I feel lost without the guidance of my parents; and it feels that much harder to live up to their expectations. Mm... I suppose almost every college student has her reservations at least once before making a crucial decision that'll affect her schooling and her life. So I'm trying to balance school with my artistic hobbies. It's tough at times, but there are always people who bring me back to reality and help me realize that it'll be okay. So with that said, I shall rant no more tonight, and sleep on it. Hopefully I'll wake tomorrow more confident and sure of myself in the morning.

Yours truly,